The long journey to Native Title and Self Determination.
Summit 2022 | Making Our Native Title Work

Invitation to all First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda to the upcoming Authorisation Meeting – Saturday 17th December 2022
The Directors of the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate (PBC) invite all Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People to attend the Summit 2022. Over the two and a half days, we look forward to being able to share, discuss and most importantly listen as we provide updates and address matters including;
- Future Acts & Legal Update
- Elders Council
- Social Programs
- Cultural Heritage
- Employment Programs & Support
- Investment & Property Portfolio
- Corporate Plan Review
- Corporate Structure
- Workshops & much more
Please see below link to the Agenda of the Summit 2022.
Attendance Information
If you wish to attend the meeting you need to register your attendance by contacting the PCCC Trust by email at or by phone 07 4167 0037 by close of business on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 or by registering with designated PCCC Trust staff present during the Summit, being held 15-17 December 2022.
Zoom facilities will be available for those unable to attend in person. Those attending by Zoom need to register their attendance by close of business on Wednesday., 14 December 2022 by contacting and they will be provided with an individual meeting link.