The long journey to Native Title and Self Determination.
PCCC Trust delivers Cultural Heritage Awareness Training

Sunwater participated in the Port Curtis Coral Coast Trust Cultural Awareness Training session on Wednesday 8 November 2023 in Bundaberg, which was led by Elders Council Coordinator Uncle Shayne Blackman and supported by our Cultural Heritage Manager Nick Maclean.
The cultural awareness session provided an opportunity for Sunwater staff to gain an appreciation for Aboriginal perspectives in the management of water and Country in the lead up to the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the water management company and the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda Registered Native Title Body Corporate.
The cultural awareness training covers both the ancient and modern history of Aboriginal life in the Bundaberg region, including the impacts of colonisation, the challenges of inter-generational trauma, the deep connection to Country, the importance of Culture, and how this all relates to the workplace context.
We offer training for workplaces, organisations and government departments across various sectors. If you would like to make a booking request for our Cultural Awareness Training, you can make an enquiry at and we will contact you to discuss further.