The long journey to Native Title and Self Determination.
PCCC Connected Beginnings and Tucka-Time Program

In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to prioritize our health and well-being.
For the First Nations community, two remarkable initiatives, PCCC Connected Beginnings and Tuck-Time have joined forces to promote healthy nutrition and lifestyles. By joining forces, together they provide a platform for First Nations people to share their experiences, learn from one another, and collectively work towards a healthier future.
This six (6) week program proudly funded by the Connected Beginnings Program aims to empower families and carers with children aged 0-5 with the knowledge and resources needed to make positive choices not only physical health but also mental, emotional and spiritual well-being through various sessions. PCCC Connected Beginnings and Tucka-Time program also offer guidance and support in areas such as nutrition, exercise, mindfulness and cultural practices.
The Program also has a focus on families and carers with children aged 0-5 connecting them to local early childhood education, health and family support services to help young children meet their learning and development milestones, so they are ready for school. By promoting a holistic approach to wellness, the program encourages individuals to make informed choices that positively impact their overall health.
The program commenced Tuesday 24/10/2023 and was well attended with the option for participants to bring their children. Facilitators were able to introduce the program and discuss how it will be rolled out over the 6-week period.
Thanks to Bundaberg Today team for capturing our first well attended session and showcasing the deadly program. Click here to read the news article
If you are interested participating in the program, please contact PCCC Connected Beginnings Coordinator on 07 4167 0037.
PCCC - Connected Beginnings & Tucka-Time Program Flyer