The long journey to Native Title and Self Determination.
All of Byellee Meeting - Saturday 5 October at 10am

Byellee Corporation Limited are hosting another All of Byellee Meeting on Saturday 5 October at 10am at Port Curtis Room, The Gladstone, 100 Goondoon Street, Gladstone.
Byellee Corporation Limited is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from Byellee people interested in being appointed to upcoming vacancies on the Board of Byellee Corporation Ltd and upcoming vacancies or casual vacancies that arise for Byellee Representative Directors on the Board of First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (the PBC); and/or Port Curtis Coral Coast Ltd as trustee for the Port Curtis Coral Coast Aboriginal People Charitable Trust (the PCCC).
Please email your EOI form to the Company Secretary at no later than 5pm on Monday 14 October 2024.