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PCCC Trust delivers Cultural Heritage Awareness Training thumbnail

Sunwater participated in the Port Curtis Coral Coast Trust Cultural Awareness Training session.

PCCC Connected Beginnings and Tucka-Time Program thumbnail

Port Curtis Coral Coast Trust Connected Beginnings and Tucka-Time program inspires First Nations in a healthy nutrition and lifestyle.

PCCC Communique News thumbnail

First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng & Taribelang Bunda Community Updates

First Nations Chamber of Commerce and Industry Media Release

Official media release for the Launch event of the First Nations Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Gladstone.

2022 First Nations Careers | Dorrie Day thumbnail

A Careers Expo for First Nations people to engage with businesses and organisations from Bundaberg, Gladstone, Calliope and surrounding areas to develop an understanding and passion for the many First Nations identified roles throughout our community.

Media Release - 3rd June (Mabo Day) thumbnail

Gladstone's First Nations business leaders and key stakeholders met to establish a First Nations Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Photo of Rio Tinto infrastructure on sunny day

After almost 60 years, Rio Tinto finally meets with Traditional Owners in Gladstone. By ABC Capricornia.


In loving memory of all our ancestors, we acknowledge their fight and their hard work to get recognition of our country and for us to be standing here today.