The long journey to Native Title and Self Determination.
Additional Assistance Programs
While PCCC offers a range of opportunities, many other great programs and support services may be available to you.
View programs developed to support Indigenous Australians including community, housing, employment, financial and Covid-19-related needs.
We've compiled a list of low/no interest loans/Savings Schemes/Grants, Scholarships and Assistance Programs that are available to the public that may be of interest to you or help someone you know in the community.
If there are any grants/funding/scholarships which you think we can add to this list please contact us.
View programs & support services
Wide Bay Kids and PCCC Connected Beginnings are excited to offer this program to First Nations families with children aged 0-5 years in the Bundaberg region as a joint commitment to community well-being.
KiSS, is the Bundaberg communities trusted service for child car seat fittings, hire and car seat Rent To Buy service. Conveniently located at their central Bundaberg premises, they're here to ensure the safety of young people on the road.
The Rent To Buy program offers professionally installed car seats ensuring safety and support for children as they grow. Receipts will receive expert advice to help guide them through the process of installing a new car seat, changing or adding extra seats to a vehicle. They will work with the community to keep precious passengers safe and secure.
Program Benefits:
- Cultural Respect: Professionally installed car seats that respect and honour cultural traditions.
- This initiative is designed with respect for cultural values, ensuring safety and support for children as they grow within our community
- Long-Term Use: Suitable for children from 0 to 8 years old.
- Flexible Payment Plans: Choose between a 1-year or 2-year payment plans.
- Ownership: Own the car seat at the end of the agreement.
- LIMITED AVAILABILITY. Ony 10 families in the Bundaberg region will be approved for this program.
Click here to view program flyer.
For more details and to apply, contact Suellen Mewburn PCCC Connected Beginnings Coordinator
Phone: (07) 4167 0037
PCCC Connected Beginnings and Tucka-Time is excited to announce a 10-week program designed to enhance the involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families in health and early childhood education and care.
For those seeking to explore healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices, look no further. Join our complimentary sessions every Tuesday starting from April 23rd, 2024.
This program offers children and families access to culturally relevant support services such as:
- Maternal and child health
- Early childhood education and care
- Family support
- Preschools and schools
- Local government and council assistance
Reserve your spot as bookings are necessary and spaces are limited!
To access the program flyer, click here.
For any additional inquiries, please reach out to 07 4167 0037 or
This program is proudly supported by the Connected Beginnings Program.
First Nations-led research to tackle health issues facing First Nations people and help close the health and mortality gap - these research projects involve listening to Indigenous communities in order to get better outcomes.
The next grant opportunity is currently open for applications until 6 March 2024.
Further details about the successful projects can be found at Attachment A.
The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Indigenous Health Research Fund aims to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over 11 years from 2018–19 to 2028–29.
The objectives and outcomes of the 2023 Indigenous Health Research grant opportunity are detailed in the grant guidelines.
Applications to this grant opportunity must propose research that addresses one of the five Streams of research. An application may be submitted to one of the five Streams only. Applicants must specify the Stream to which they are applying in their application.
This grant opportunity is being administered by NHMRC on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.
Further information on the Medical Research Future Fund is available from the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website.
The new FairPlay system, Enquire, is now open and accessible for existing and new users to register.
Parents, carers or guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child, which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.
There is a limit of 1 voucher per child per calendar year.
You can apply if your child:
- is a Queensland resident aged from 5 to 17 years (inclusive) at the time of application
- did not receive a FairPlay voucher this calendar year
- holds, or whose parent, carer or guardian holds, a valid Services Australia Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card with the child’s name on it.
Housing & Employment (HEP) Program
Struggling to pay your rent whilst studying?
You may be eligible for the Housing and Employment Program, which provides financial and other supports for low-income earners to sustain their tenancy while studying.
The Program is delivered by MAX Solutions and is funded under the Qld Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy.
Click here to view the HEP flyer
For more information and to check eligibility, contact the Bundaberg Case Manager, Janelle, on 0459 097 145.
COVID-19 Resources & Information
There is significant and evolving information being distributed regularly by Federal, State and Local governments in response to the unfolding Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
This page of Biedo's website will serve as a central database of resources and information and will be updated regularly as the situation changes. Please check back regularly to access updated information.
Mob Strong Debt Help
Mob Strong Debt Help is a free legal advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from anywhere in Australia. Financial Rights Legal Centre specialise in the law about consumer loans (like credit cards, payday loans, car loans and home loans), banking, debt recovery and insurance (like car, home, travel, life, funeral, and pet insurance).
Financial Rights Legal Centre is a specialist community legal centre. They are non-government, non-profit organisation and provide information, advice and assistance to individuals and also argue for a fairer financial services market for consumers, particularly low-income and disadvantaged consumers.
- ABSTUDY can help you and your family with study, Australian Apprenticeship or traineeship costs, as well as travel.
- Relocation Scholarship can help if you need to move to, or from, a remote or regional area to study. It’s paid once a year.
- Student Start-up Loan is a voluntary loan you can get up to twice a year. You can get it if you’re an eligible higher education student. It can help you buy study-related items like textbooks.
- Tertiary Access Payment helps students with the cost of moving from an outer regional or remote area for tertiary study.
- Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme can help you with the extra study costs for your children. It's for people who can’t go to a state or public school on a daily basis because they either:
- live in an isolated area
- have a disability or special education need.
- You may also be able to get Remote Area Allowance if both of the following apply:
- you get one of our payments
- you live in a remote area.
- Centrepay helps pay bills and expenses as regular deductions from your Centrelink payments. This can make it easier for you to budget
Click here to view further information & other Australian Government support services
Victim Assist Queensland
Victim Assist Queensland provides financial assistance to victims of violence that happened in Queensland. Learn more about how to make a claim and how to claim urgent expenses.
This program aims to assist Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander screen content makers in travelling to key international and Australian events.
Funding that can be requested, supported by a budget, are up to:
- $6,000 for international travel
- $3,000 for travel within Australia
Applications must be submitted at least five weeks before the event.
The First Nations Commissioning Fund is focused on investing in opportunities that share First Nations stories and cultural knowledge and elevate awareness of Queensland’s exceptional First Nations arts and cultural products and experiences.
The First Nations Commissioning Fund:
- Supports the development and presentation of new work and cultural programs by First Nations artists, arts workers and organisations
- Strengthens skills development and provide new employment opportunities for First Nations artists and arts workers
- Grows a pipeline of high-quality First Nations arts, cultural products, and experiences
Applications for 2023–24 Targeted Responses to Youth Crime grants (formerly Community Partnership Innovation Grants) opened on 21 November 2023. The closing date for this grant has been extended and applications will now close at 11.59pm, Wednesday 14 February 2024.
With up to $2.5 million in funds available for communities across Queensland, one-off grants (of up to $300,000) are available for new ideas and projects that support young people who are, or could become, serious repeat offenders, to change their behaviours and improve community connection.
The Targeted Responses to Youth Crime grants will support change-oriented and intensive responses that:
- address predictors of youth offending thinking and behaviour
- support family and community to address and manage the varied, and often complex, causes of offending behaviours
- target the unique issues being experienced by local communities
- are designed in partnership with the local community.
Learn about business grants in Queensland. Read how to find grants, and prepare and write your grant application.
The Young People in Sport (YPIS) aims to assist young athletes living in Bundaberg Regional Council area by providing a grant to assist with the cost of representing Queensland, at National sporting competitions or representing Australia at International sporting competitions.
Representing Queensland - $200 per athlete
Representing Australia - $500 per athlete
Applications for the Young People in Sport Program are opened all year round and must be received prior to the commencement of the sporting event.
If you, or someone you know, are feeling worried or no good, we encourage you to connect with 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24 hours/7 days) and talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter. This is your story; your journey and we will take the time to listen. No shame, no judgement, safe place to yarn. We’re here for you.
About 13YARN
13YARN is the first national service of its kind for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people in crisis. We offer a confidential one-on-one over the phone yarning opportunity and support with a trained Lifeline Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping.
SwimStart provides $150 vouchers for eligible zero to 4 year olds to participate in registered learn to swim programs.
When a round is open, parents, carers or guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child, which can be used towards swimming lessons with a registered SwimStart activity provider. There is a limit of 1 voucher per child per financial year.
The NAIDOC Local Grants provide a co-contribution to the cost of activities and events being held around National NAIDOC Week (6 to 13 July 2025) that celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, achievements and continuing contributions to our country and Australian society. Activities and events should align with the annual National NAIDOC Week theme The Next Generation: Strength, Vision & Legacy.
This grant opportunity provides funding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to contribute to the costs of local and regional NAIDOC Week activities across Australia.
Non-Indigenous organisations are strongly encouraged to work with their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in planning activities / events.
Close Date & Time: 20-Feb-2025 3:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Now open! Grants of up to $75k on offer for short-term, community-led projects aimed at prevention and early intervention programs for young people.
What are Family Wellbeing Services?
Community organisations that you trust, are here to help you build on your family's strengths.
Mums, dads and families can reach out to receive personalised support to help you and your family to achieve the goals you set.
All Family Wellbeing Services are delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations ensuring the support available is culturally safe and appropriate.
Eligible business size: Small businesses with less than 20 employees (headcount)
Status: Open
Opening date Stage 1: Registration of Interest (ROI) opened at 9am, Wednesday 29 May 2024
Closing date Stage 1: Registration of Interest (ROI) closes at 5pm, Tuesday 11 June 2024
Application process
- Stage 1: Registration of Interest (ROI)
- Stage 2: Full Application (selected ROI applicants only)
Grant type: Competitive – not all applications will be funded
Available funding: $5,000 (excluding GST) per grant
Co-contribution: None
Project length: Maximum 6 months
Payment Upfront: payment on approval
Key documents - Round 5 documents:
Application guidelines
Terms and conditions
Frequently asked questions
Registration of Interest form sample
For more information and to apply, click here.
The program is administered by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT).
Funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), this program will see 135 governance scholarships delivered over a three-year period. In its first year, 34 scholarship places were awarded to deserving individuals around the country.
To deliver the second round of the program, the AICD is partnering with the Australian Indigenous Governance Institute (AIGI) and The Observership Program. It will provide up to 56 full-fee scholarships to directors and leaders reporting to the boards of First Nation and non-Indigenous organisations. Applicants who provide evidence of being on the board or committee of an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) will be considered more favourably for this program.
Scholarship timeline
Applications open: Monday 1 July 2024
Applications close: Sunday 25 August 2024 at 11:59pm AWST
Applicants notified of outcome: By the end of November 2024
Scholarship commences: January 2025
To be eligible to apply you must:
- be a person of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, and
- be accepted as such by the community in which you live;
- be currently sitting as a director on a board OR currently sitting on a committee with aspiration to becoming a director;
- be supported by a senior government officer, company director/CEO or First Nations Leader as having potential/prospect to transition to a senior leadership position, and provide a completed Support Form;
- be aged 18 years old or over;
- be an Australian Citizen or permanent resident;
- never have been disqualified from being a director of a corporation or organisation;
- agree to the Scholarship timings and commitments including course attendance; and
- meet the pre-requisites required for your preferred course/program.

The rebate forms part of the Queensland Government’s $4.5m investment in Tourism Business Digital Adaption Program and will support up to 1,600 tourism operators to adopt digital technologies to enhance visitor experiences.
The rebates will enable tourism businesses access to annual subscriptions for digital products, and will be supported by free online digital adaption webinars and resources.
Read more about the program and apply today.

From gaining access to HR support grants for small businesses to receiving assistance with recruitment strategies and connecting with quality training programs. Our Industry Workforce Advisor will sit down with you one-on-one and guide you through the steps needed to build a skilled and engaged personnel.

Supporting small business learning needs

The program supports projects that engage First Nations communities to prepare for and deliver on-ground conservation work on Country and to build organisational capacity to care for Country through strengthened skills, knowledge, and collaborative partnerships.
Project activities funded through the program include (but are not limited to):
- cultural site management
- protected species monitoring and conservation
- revegetation and habitat restoration
- fire management
- erosion control
- inter-generational knowledge exchange on country
- the development and implementation of country management plans.
Current Round
Applications for the new 2024 funding round are now open. First Nations organisations are now invited to apply by 4pm on Tuesday 20 August 2024.
Applicants should review the Guidelines before completing the Stage one application form, which can be found on the Smarty Grants website. The Guidelines include information about the application and assessment process.
More information
If you have questions about the grant program, please contact the Grants Officer on (07) 3330 5553 or email

The Reef Joint Field Management Program (Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority) is looking to procure artwork by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person with connections to land and sea Country of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
Click here to view the Artwork EOI Form.
If you're interested or know someone who might be, please forward on to artists for their consideration.

FREE community accessible SmartySearch grant searching database, generally over 5500 grants at any one time. Visit
Shell QGC is thrilled to invite Expressions of Interest (EOI) from talented artists or collectives belonging to the Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, and Taribelang Bunda (BGGGTB) communities. We are looking for an original artwork or mural that captures and reflects the unique culture, traditions, and stories of the BGGGTB people. This initiative is designed to foster collaboration between Shell QGC and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, promoting mutual respect and understanding, while also enhancing the cultural richness of our newly refurbished Curtis Island Operations Building.
Details of the Opportunity
Project Purpose: To create a mural or artwork that emphasizes the connection of BGGGTB culture to the land and its stories, to be displayed prominently for all staff, stakeholders, and visitors to appreciate and engage with.
Submission Guidelines: Interested BGGGTB artists or collectives are encouraged to submit their EOIs that align with our creative brief and criteria.
How to Submit Your EOI:
- Online Submission: Click here
- Email Submission: Complete the attached Printable EOI Form and email it to
Click here for the Printable EOI Form.
Closing Date for Submissions: All submissions must be received by 5pm on Friday, 18th November 2024.
Why Participate?
This is an invaluable opportunity to showcase your talent and share your culture through art, while also joining hands with Shell QGC to enhance community engagement. Your artwork will not only beautify our facility but also serve as a vital narrative that connects everyone who experiences it.
Get Involved
For more information and to stay updated on this exciting opportunity, please visit our website. We look forward to celebrating the rich heritage and artistry of the BGGGTB community together. Join us in this collaborative journey!
Contact Us: For more information on how to apply or questions regarding the EOI process please contact Shell QGC Indigenous Participation team:
Thank you for your interest in this opportunity. Shell QGC looks forward to receiving your submissions and collaborating with a talented BGGGTB artist or collective on this exciting project.