The long journey to Native Title and Self Determination.
Cultural Heritage & TUMRA
Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements are community-based plans for management of traditional resources which are accredited in legislation and have proved a successful mechanism for joint management of the Reef.
Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements describe how Great Barrier Reef Traditional Owner groups work in partnership with the Australian and Queensland governments to manage traditional use activities on our sea country.
First accredited in August 2011, the Port Curtis Coral Coast Regional Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement was reaccredited in April 2019 and will run for 10 years. It is largest agreement of its kind and covers an area almost 10 times the size of the Australian Capital Territory or 26,386 square kilometres.
The agreement area extends from Burrum Heads, south of Bundaberg, north to and including the waters around Curtis Island off Gladstone.
Under the agreement, Port Curtis Coral Coast Traditional Owner groups, which include Gooreng Gooreng, Gurang, Byellee and Taribelang Bunda, are committed to initiating management strategies that will positively impact our sea country.